Sitting for hours in front of a computer without a lot of physical activity it can derail your diet program . Imagine, high busyness sometimes makes people forget themselves , including forgetting to manage your diet , maintain health , and without increasing the weight conscious .
Basically a healthy lifestyle through diet can be done anywhere, even when you are working though . Well , that diet you stay on the right track , following 5 tips that you can run to diet success in your office .
Expand the Drinking Water
When working without realizing the body is dehydrated . Therefore it is advisable to prepare a water bottle at your desk . Dehydration can slow your metabolism and make you hungry faster . Without enough water , you will not be able to adapt to healthy eating habits so that you will be hard to run your diet .
Healthy snacking
Workbench you certainly have one or even several small drawers . Make one of them into a " drawer healthy " by adding healthy snacks such as whole wheat bread , dried vegetables , nuts , and fruits . This snack will keep you full longer and prevent the voracious eating at lunch .
Move !
Sit for hours will certainly make you bored, stressed , and make blood flow becomes smooth . If possible , do light exercise such as jogging in place , push-ups , chair dip , and some other stretching exercises to redirect blood flow and increase your body's calorie burning .
Multivitamin and multimineral Consumption
Vitamins and minerals are nutrients that are essential to keep the immune system and make your body function optimally work with . For those of you who have high activity , multivitamin and mineral supplement is necessary because of the need for vitamins and minerals also increased .
Healthy Lunch
So you believe the number of calories you eat lunch , you should bring lunch from home with the menu you want in advance . If forced to eat lunch outside the office , then reduce your portions in half course or choose a menu of dishes that are low in calories and high in protein .
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