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Benefits of Honey for Health and Exercise Results

weight loss with honey
Honey is a golden -colored liquid that is quite thick , which is produced by honey bees with a distinctive sweet taste . The process of making honey begins when the bees collect flower nectar in their mouths . This nectar then mixes with special enzymes in the saliva of bees , this chemical process converts it into honey . Save the honey bee flower nectars that are processed in the body into a hexagonal -shaped nest .

In this world there are various types of honey with a distinctive flavor that is different of course . This led researchers interested in learning various things about honey . The following are quick facts as well as some of the benefits of honey .

Honey And Benefits For Exercise Results

A study in the USA found that a combination of honey with a protein supplement can improve the recovery of the body and keep blood sugar levels after exercise . Protein supplements are useful to increase the protein intake in the diet , improve weight training , aerobics and other sports .

In fact , previous studies have shown that the combination of carbohydrates with protein supplements can improve energy recovery in muscles which would have a positive impact on the results of your workout .

The current study involved 39 athletes are ordinary men and women trained with heavy weights and divide it into several groups . The subjects underwent an intensive weight training and then they are given a protein supplement mixed with 3 different materials such as maltodextrin , sugar and honey . Apparently, the result shows that only those who were given a mixture of honey, which has optimal blood sugar levels two hours after exercise . In addition , the subjects were given honey showed a positive change in the ratio of the hormone for muscle healing .

The results of the data analysis showed that honey works well in aspects related to recovery after exercise and provides energy . In addition , honey is also an ideal source of carbohydrates combined with protein supplements after exercise . In addition to accelerating muscle recovery , a combination of protein and honey also seems suitable to stabilize blood sugar levels after exercise .

Other Benefits for Health

Honey is one of the alternative sources of energy to provide about 64 calories per tablespoon . Honey is also capable of enhancing the immune system and has natural antibacterial properties . When combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle , the honey will be an option to help your weight loss process . Honey is one of the antioxidants because it contains nutraceuticals , which are effective in removing free radicals from our body . As a result , increased immune .

Eat honey and get all the benefits for your practice also your overall health .
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